¿Why do fruits matter in the world?

Fruits play a key role in maintaining good health due to their essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are enjoyed worldwide for their diverse flavors and refreshing qualities. With a growing emphasis on fruit consumption, a diet rich in fruits can help bolster the immune system and overall health, as well as reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, consuming fruits supports sustainable fruit production and the livelihoods of those working in the industry.

Colombia, known as the world's most megadiverse country, is gaining recognition in the global fruit market, with increasing exports of its main fruits due to their exceptional taste, quality, and health benefits.

Here is the list of the most popular fruits according to Forbes Magazine:

  • Mangoes – are famous for their sweet, juicy flesh and are a staple food in tropical regions. This fruit has a 2% share of total fruit and vegetable exports.
  • Gulupa: one of the passionflowers. It has a rather pleasant aroma and is used to make delicious and unique drinks and desserts. It has a 7% share of the total of these exports.
  • Tahiti lemon: this acidic fruit rich in vitamin C has a 13% share of exports in this category.
  • Bananas: this fruit rich in potassium occupied 15% of horticultural exports.
  • Hass avocado: a very desired fruit as it provides good fat, it is excellent for the skin and heart. The crown of this avocado variety is justified by the fact that its share of the sector's total exports was 28%.

Overall, emphasizing fruit consumption is driven by their vital role in maintaining good health and the growing awareness of the benefits they offer. By incorporating a variety of fruits into our diets, we can support our well-being, promote agricultural sustainability, and enjoy the diverse flavors and textures that fruits from around the world have to offer.

Join the Fruit Tour to discover the wonderful world of fruits and their incredible benefits. Indulge in delicious food while learning about the significant impact of fruits on your health and the environment.

Written by: Sara María Fernández Padilla

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